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Who We Are

Shiran Viraj


Who We Are

Media-Human Rights Organization is a non-profit Non Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to supporting community and implementing schemes to uplift economic and social standards of the people to develop self-confidence, co-operation and unity among communities and to evoke their inherent strength and resources to bring about an all round development in their moral and economic standard of life. We co-operate with government and other organizations and individuals with similar objectives of Media-Human Rights to achieve and implement our objectives and help and assist the fellow human being who require our services and attention.


Media-Human Rights is central to its core values. The Organization conducts its dealings in an ethical and responsible way. Media-Human Rights has invested in a number of initiatives to maintain its strong compliance and fostering an ethical work culture, ensuring a safe and secure work environment for workers, protecting the environment, supporting the communities developing sustainable technologies and services. The Media-Human Rights believes and maintaining high standards will result in a range of sustainable benefits to all stakeholders. It efforts help to motivate people , support community growth and development, minimize risk, reduce waste, and increase value to the society. We are committed to create strong relationships. We believe that human resources are the most effective feature of any society. The progress and forward march of any country is depended on its human resources and we therefore, empower them to their full potentials.

“Forget what you can get and see what you can give.”


Media-Human Rights is a non-profit Non Governmental Organization which provides medical assistance to the needy and poor Sri Lankan people. It is an organization strives to provide enriching environment and programs to persons with disabilities. We believe that life is sacred and we enhances the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families through our commitment to comfort, joy and achievement. We are committed to supporting individuals with disabilities in reaching their fullest potential by providing positive resources and information to families, communities and health care providers while promoting a competent level of awareness and understanding.


Media-Human Rights is to provide cancer patients and their families with financial, spiritual, emotional and physical support; while promoting survivor unity, strength and togetherness. Our organization wishes to enhance the lives of cancer patients one wish at a time. The financial expenses in connection with cancer are often vast and most of the patients it is not possible to bear high cost. Even having health insurance does not guarantee a patient be able to afford treatment. Majority of the people have no health insurance in Sri Lanka. We have started our researching our options before a financial crisis develops. We want to be a sources of financial assistance available to people with cancer.

“Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs help!”


In Sri Lanka, chronic kidney disease has become a major health issue over the past years. The root cause of the disease has not been definitively identified up till now. Initially affecting several rural communities around North Central and Uva Provinces of Sri Lanka, and now prevalent in North Western, Eastern, Southern and Central provinces, and parts of the Northern Province of the island. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15% of the population in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Badulla Districts between the age group 15-70 years are affected by this disease. Although majority of those affected are male paddy farmers and agricultural labourers, there are now a growing number of women and children being affected. The WHO believes that this unknown disease is an environmental-exposure disease caused by multiple factors such as chronic exposure to kidney damaging pesticides, arsenic, lead, cadmium, poor diet and genetic susceptibility to kidney failure. As an Organization which concerned about poor people, we are duty bound and committed to help these patients in Sri Lanka.

“Give your share to show you care!”


In Sri Lanka there are many heart patients who have been advised by cardiologists to undergo bypass surgeries but they have no financial resources to undergo these surgeries. In Government hospitals there are waiting list and when the time come to do their surgery, they are not among the living. This is a very pathetic situation in this country we have to be ashamed of. We Media-Human Rights is searching out the possibilities to help out these heart patients and we are soliciting the support of philanthropists to help them in whatever possible manner.


Diabetic is a huge health issue in today in Sri Lanka. Even children are affected with this disease. Media-Human Rights is committed to help the diabetic patients with the help of professionals who provide diabetes nutrition care and education services. We promote professional standards to strengthen and expand the role of the professional dietitian in diabetes practice; responds to the needs of diabetes patients with regard to diabetes nutrition issues; promotes clinical and educational research to improve diabetes management; develops guidelines for the nutritional management and proper exercises for diabetes patients and maintains a network of practicing doctors and dietitians available for consultation services to health professionals and people with diabetes.


There is a possible dengue outbreak always with heavy rains and it is necessary to conduct special dengue eradication programmes in risk areas to minimize the danger of an outbreak. Over 44,000 people were reported to have contracted dengue this year -2016. We have to pay strong attention to controlling the disease and we have inspect mosquito breeding premises and removing them to ensure an end to this deadly disease. Dengue is a serious viral disease transmitted by the bite of the mosquitoes. Dengue fever is a severe, flu-like illness that affects older children and adults. The symptoms of dengue fever vary according to the age and general health of the patient. Infants and young children may have a fever with a measles-like rash, which is difficult to distinguish from influenza, measles, malaria, infectious hepatitis and other diseases with fever. Older children and adults may have similar symptoms or symptoms ranging from mild illness to very severe disease.


Media-Human Rights is an organization which provides high standard welfare and support to people who are blind or vision impaired in the soicety.Our services are available to any individual who is blind or vision impaired and resides in Sri Lanka.We dedicate our time, the motivation and the aspiration to make a difference, in the lives of unfortunate people who are blind and cannot see the world as we are. When we see a blind person we are aware how fortunate we are. It is our duty to help them as much as we can. We request the like minded people and orgnisations to get together with us for this worthy cause.


Young people are addicted to drugs or alcohol without experiencing negative consequences or addiction. For many others, though, substance use can be an attempt to escape from problems in their lives and has much more serious consequences. When one person is addicted to drug or alcohol whole family is seriously affected. The abuse of drugs or alcohol to cope with life’s problems only makes the existing problems worse and likely causes new problems to develop, leaving feelings of isolation and helplessness. In the event your friend or family member is addicted to drug or Alcohol use, it is important to know that help is available. Learning about the nature of drug abuse and alcohol addiction why and how it develops, what it looks like, and why it can have such a powerful hold will give you a better understanding of the problem and how to best deal with it. We, Media-Human Rights is helping the Drug addicts and Alcohol addicts to live normal lives.


Media-Human Rights is organized to help out families in the greater manner by doing educational and charitable activities for the poor and needy. We are to provide Schools in poor area with funding for Programs and needs where funding may be lacking. Furthermore, we are to help underprivileged areas with the economy by raising funds to help poor families and in essence help lift back onto its feet. Media-Human Rights is focusing more on providing quality education to economically challenged families works on developing initiatives geared towards sustainable development, education. Media-Human Rights plans on focusing more on the area of education by allocating its funds towards sustainability.


Teaching English to our youth English will open doors of employment for them. One of the most widely used languages in the world is English. English is well known as an international standard language and it is very important for those who life in this globalization era. English is used international business, technology, education, and in the social life. Almost every electronic devices use English especially computing and internet. In education, the international student should have capability to speak, read, and write in English. English is essential in tourism and to find lucrative employment opportunities in tourist hotels. It also helps when they visit another country because people absolutely will speak in English when they talk to the foreigners who come to their country. These prove that the social benefits of English are very large. As the most spoken language in the world, English holds a huge part in the communication. It helps people when they are using technology products although growth of technology increasing continuously. English also helps people to understand the subject that written in English properly. Besides that, it makes the people keep in touch although they have different languages and come from different country. That is why Media-Human Rights is very much interested in conducting programs to teach English language to our youth.


With unemployment problems prevailing in the country, a multilingual ability is definitely a competitive edge over others for our youth. It is an ability that tells of a person’s intelligence, flexibility, openness to diverse people, and decision-making skills. And these are just bonuses to the evident ability to communicate in several languages and cross cultural barriers. Self-confidence is a natural consequence after summing all benefits of learning a new language. By simply mastering one another foreign language at least, the other faculties are developed. People tend to gravitate around multilingual people because of their skills; others simply find the openness and quick-mindedness naturally attractive. If we can teach our youth foreign languages such as Korean, Japanese, German, French languages doors will be open for them to lucrative employment opportunities all over the world and they will bring valuable foreign exchange to the country.


Media-Human Rights For Humanity is an organization which aims to provide affordable housing solutions to poor families. Our organization works toward the goal of eliminating poverty housing throughout the county by providing innovative and affordable housing solutions to under privileged individuals and families. It is our conviction that everyone deserves the opportunity to work to obtain affordable housing, so we partner with local businesses, churches, mosques, temples and faith organizations, government and individuals to accomplish our objective of providing affordable housing for all of poor people in need.


Media-Human Rights is an organization which helps children with special health care needs in order to live a greater lives. We are committed to protect and promote the best interests and welfare of children and enable them to overcome social problems through economic empowerment of individuals, families and communities. We Support implementation of the provisions of child-rights protection instruments such as 1993 Hague Convention, 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. We are committed for the welfare of children to establish, facilitate and assist temporary places of safety for children in need of care and protection. We are specially committed to Improve the standard of living of children and their families by mobilizing and managing resources from income generating activities, donations from individuals, international and civil society organizations, the business community and others.


Sri Lanka is today home to many million senior citizens. The pity is that today’s rapid urbanization has overtaken the traditional value-system of our people and shifted their socio-economic priorities. Sons and daughters and their children find no time for the senior citizens in their family. Most of the Senior Citizen’s sons and daughters are employed foreign countries making them vulnerable and lonely. The elderly, who have provided their services and support to the society, feel unloved and neglected at this phase of their lives. Their deteriorating physical strength and other geriatric illnesses add to their difficulties. Their often poor financial condition, no pension , no income, lack of affordable health care and the general neglect by society has propelled Media-Human Rights to step in and bring in elder welfare programs.


The hot and dry months have always spelt misery for some families in remote areas. In some villages no good, clean drinking water for the people and they are struggling to survive because without water life is not possible. With the village lake almost dry and the water supply from the other means such as wells are dry meant either a long walk to fetch water or making do with the contaminated surface water. People of the family consequently often fell ill due to drinking unclean water. It is the responsibility of the affluent people to assist these poor villages. Media-Human Rights is trying hard extending its fund in this direction to help and assist these poor villagers.


Media-Human Rights Scholarship Scheme is a step toward the creation of a knowledge-driven, equal-opportunity society. The idea is to financially and morally support needy and deserving students with their educational expenses. We believe in working together for a bright future of our society which is undoubtedly dependent on education. Our objective is to offer scholarships for talented but needy students of various Schools, Colleges, Universities, Medical Colleges and Technical Institutes. Gaining knowledge and helping others to gain it is indeed a hallmark of a good citizen. It is necessary to help the talented students so that they can gainfully employed and look after their old parents.


Attitudes of peace, mindfulness and care for all living creatures have impact on all Media-Human Rights dealings. We believe that all things should be looked after; the earth, plants, birds, insects and animals. This is close to the feeling among many people in recent years that the human race should stop polluting the atmosphere and destroying the surface of the earth by cutting down trees and destroying forests. Although the all religious teachings have been known for years, very few people have realized the essence of it. Therefore, Media-Human Rights has realized the social responsibility to spread peace not only in Sri Lanka but also contributed for the peace of whole world even as a small way possible. In this endeavour Media-Human Rights is spending its resources to spread the message of unconditional love in order to contribute to the world peace. We assist the promotion of the family by reducing and mitigating the effects of disruption of relationships.


Media-Human Rights policy to strive to ensure that all aspects of commercial activities have no harmful effect on the environment by implementing an environmental management system to be fully aware of all environmental legislation and ensure that regulatory requirements are met and, where feasible, improved upon. Media-Human Rights constantly monitor and implement by carrying out periodic audits of compliance and, when appropriate, suggest remedial measures. Also Media-Human Rights encourage suppliers, contractors and vendors to act in accordance with the environmental standards. In addition, areas of particular attention will be the selection of non-polluting technology, waste minimization, reuse and recycling and the reduction of energy consumption.


Our charity and welfare services are only made possible through the generous contributions and funding we have received from our members and well wishers. We are specifically seeking donations to fund the programmes we intend to achieve in the future. We hope that you will be able to join us in funding the projects we have undertaken. Any support will be highly appreciated by us. If you have any queries please feel free to contact us.

“Actions speak louder than words! Contribute today.”


We are helping foreign employees who are specially working in Middle East countries. Specially women are harassed in Middle East countries by their employers. You can call us at any time. It is well known fact that Workers face many problems with their employers. Some time they are cheated by local foreign employment agents. Whatever you problem may be, you can contact us for assistance. If you register with us before going to Middle East or any other country it is better. Even if you are not registered we will come to your help.